Grants News
Cohos Historical Begins Phase 1 Restoration on the Marion Blodgett Museum
Fall 2021
The past two years have been challenging for the Cohos Historical Society in our efforts to begin the restoration of the Marion Blodgett Museum in Stratford Hollow, NH. During this time, as a member, we worked with the New Hampshire Preservation Society to assess the scope and phases for our restoration project.
We were added to the NH Preservation Alliance 2019 list of "Seven to Save” which recognizes historic buildings and resources in need of preservation. In 2020 we were awarded a 1:1 matching grant from the NH Preservation Alliance in partnership with The 1772 Foundation in the amount of $10,000. These funds were awarded for the restoration and repair of the roof on the museum.
We were able to raise the necessary matching funds and in September 2021 we repaired/replaced the roof on the museum. Work was done by Greg Mitchell and Commonwealth Construction LLC of Lancaster, NH. We had two “Volunteer Weekends” in September and October. Members pitched in to pick up and remove the debris from the old roof.
Bangor Savings Bank - Community Matters More
Feb 11 2021
Voting now is open for Bangor Savings Bank’s annual Community Matters More program. Visit and write in your vote for the Cohos Historical Society.