Annual Tree Lighting and Christmas on the Common
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Schedule: Tree lighting 4pm • Santa arrives 4:30pm
Stratford Library Pavilion, Stratford, NH
SANTA CLAUS is coming to town!
Join the Cohos Historical Society, along with the Baptist Church, Lynch Excavating, Stratford Hallow Fire Dept., Vermont Rail System, and the Stratford Public School for our annual tree lighting and Christmas on the common at the Stratford Library Pavilion from 4:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday, December, 7th.
Soups and hot fries will be served, along with hot cocoa, coffee and cookies. Tree lighting at 4:00pm, Santa will arrive on a Locomotive at 4:30pm. Mingle with Santa around a cozy bonfire. ALL ARE WELCOME!
8th Annual Cohos Historical Society Cornhole Tournament and Vendor Fair
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Stratford Town Common Pavilion
Cornhole sign-ups at 12:30pm, tournament starts at 1pm
This year Stratford Public School will be joining us to sell food and offer kids games. Music will be provided by Kyle Haley. The Community Builders Hub will have a booth shared with the Town of Stratford to discuss plans and ideas about improvements to the recreation parks in town.
If interested in being a vendor please call or text 603-331-1699.
Stratford 250th Celebration
Saturday, June 24th • Main St., North Stratford
Sunday, June 25th • Stratford Hollow Pavilion & Stratford Grange Hall

Calendar of Events
10am: Parade (floats welcome!) & Blessing of ATVs
11:30am: Presentations & Speeches
Noon: Band “Smokey Haze” & Food Trucks
Noon-4pm: AMC Display and Games
1pm:Cornhole Tournament
4pm: Illusionist Jason Purdy
6pm: Band “Raized On Radio”
10pm: Fireworks
10am: Pancake Breakfast at Kimball Hall
10am-noon: Cars and "Cool Stuff" Show at Pavilion
1pm-4:30pm: Stratford Grange Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & Vendor Fair
Christmas on the Common
December 3, 2022
North Stratford Common, Stratford, NH
Join us for our annual Christmas on the Common:
Warm Food and Drinks
Visit with Santa
Holiday fun for the whole family!
7th Annual Cornhole Tournament and Family BBQ
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Stratford Hollow Pavillion
Fundraiser to benefit the Cohos Historical Society
BBQ served at 4pm
$8.00 a plate for adults, $5.00 for child
Cornhole Tournament Registration 12pm-1pm
2021 Events

Annual Christmas on the Common/Tree Lighting
December 4, 2021

6th Annual Cornhole Tournament
July 31, 2021

Garden Tours
June 27, 2021
August 1, 2021
September 12, 2021